A semi-weekly newsletter to hone your skills in empirical modeling and statistical thinking.
Mental models for highly numerate people to navigate a data-driven world.
Explainers on neuro-symbolic AI.
Covers research you should read but where the search cost is high.
Discussion of how statistics and AI power startups and innovation outside of the FAANGs.
Distillation of AI-related news in ways that drive strategy and career decisions.
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Visit Altdeep.ai for information on our course offerings. Altdeep runs advanced courses on workshops, reading in empirical modeling and statistical machine learning, including a free minicourse on causal AI.
How much does it cost?
There is a free version, and a paid version. The paid version is $9 a month or $100/year.
What do I get when I do the free subscription?
One long-form post, in you inbox every few weeks.
What do I get when I do the paid subscription?
One long-form post, in you inbox every few weeks.
Who are you?
My name is Robert Osazuwa Ness. I am a research scientist and engineer, with particular interest in causal modeling and probabilistic programming. I also teach a course on causal reasoning in machine learning at Northeastern University. In a past life I was a software developer based in Beijing. I have a PhD in statistics from Purdue university, as well as a graduate degree from Johns Hopkins SAIS. I tweet @osazuwa.