Sitemap - 2019 - Newsletter
Is there a gap between AI products and their users?
Artificial thinking, fast and slow
How tech companies think about causality, and what it means to ML
China's TikTok censors US teenager for criticising China's Muslim crackdown
How to be smart about algorithmic bias
Are metrics ruining AI? A view from econometrics.
Investors bat around new metric for evaluating NLP startups
To be a better modeler, stop thinking in black-and-white
Don't model the poem, model the poet
Did Buddha scoop Hume on counterfactual causality?
My bet on causal reinforcement learning
Are Hong Kong's woes good for Singaporian data science?
OpenAI looks like another "hypademic" AI company
6-Player Texas no-limit hold’em solved
Sorry MIT and DARPA, Minority Report for data science will not work
Get up to speed on GANs in just two posts
Hey Elon, maybe we are the AI...
Has anyone noticed a lot of ML research into facial recognition of Uyghur people lately?
Tech companies are gaming an AI sharecropper system
You should join this superforecasting competion
Data science SaaS as a lifestyle business - Is this a thing? (Really, I’m asking.)
Rant on the coming CS job apocalypse
Open AI Five + Dota 2 Explained